BFM #69: Noise creates churn 👋

Let’s cover some advanced onboarding techniques, and why noise might be the cause of your churn.

Hey 👋 

“The truth is that most product teams are on a perpetual treadmill of shipping new features, and simply adjust to the level of ambient noise.”

Before you get excited, that’s a quote from me, not anyone important.

But it sums up this UX case study on LinkedIn succinctly: new users are drowning in noise.

Give yourself a 10-minute break*, and let’s cover some (fairly) advanced onboarding techniques, and touch on Slack’s new Tinder-style innovation.

*If it helps, it’s not a “break” break, it’s like an ‘investment of your time’ break. The memes are purely for educational purposes.

As always, thank you for reading.

It helps for deliverability if you send me a reply (plus, if nothing else, it reminds me that people actually read this stuff).

Or, if you actually use LinkedIn, come and comment on this post (I reply there).

- Peter✌️

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