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  • BFM #74: Why Users Ignore Your Features 🥐 (FREE)

BFM #74: Why Users Ignore Your Features 🥐 (FREE)

Premium dating subscriptions, VPN access and weekly sausage rolls—what has happened to banking?

Hey 👋 

Premium dating subscriptions, VPN access and weekly sausage rolls—what has happened to banking?

Features are being bundled together like the drawer next to your bed; just full of random screws, a remote control for a TV you no longer own and a book you bought in an airport 8 years ago.

But it kind of happens with all software companies. It’s probably why users are ignoring your features too.

In the next 9 minutes, I’ll use Monzo to explain:

  • How to identify which features a user finds valuable

  • How to deliver value quickly (reduce churn)

  • How to reframe other features as being valuable

When you’ve finished, hit reply and give me some feedback. In particular this one was a little longer than usual. Was it too long?

See you next week for some UX Bites.

- Peter✌️