BFM #61: Using dark patterns to sell pizza

Forget 'Big Pharma', you should really care about about 'Big Pizza'.

Hey 👋,

I love Dominos pizza—it’s probably my favourite takeaway.

But whilst literally doing a case study on how great their app was, I stumbled into a web of dark patterns and ‘oooff, ouch’ UX moments.

That’s why this case study took a bit longer than normal. I was in a deep rabbit hole of “why on earth is this so….ooooh, damn”.

Get ready to learn about how they leverage UX psychology to quietly overcharge you.

Oh, and Pizza Hut do the same.

Forget Big Pharma, there’s an underworld of ‘Big Pizza’.

Let me know what you think by replying directly to this email. I read every response, and reply to as many as I can.

- Peter ✌️